Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Strength-Training Exercise During Pregnancy
Perform all exercises at least three times a week, on alternate days, on a firm (but not too hard) surface, such as an exercise mat. Perform them in the following order. Be sure to breathe normally during all exercises; don't hold your breath. During abdominal exercises, it may be easier to exhale on exertion, that is, inhale when you are down and exhale briskly as you perform the lift. The following exercises work all major muscle groups. Don't skip any!
Hamstring Lift
Start with 5 repetitions and increase to 20.

©2006 Publications International, Ltd.
  1. Rest on your hands and knees, with your back flat and abdominal muscles squeezed tightly (do not let your abdominal muscles hang loose).
  2. With your foot flexed, extend your left leg straight behind you.
  3. Keeping your back flat, lift your left leg up until it is level with your back. At the same time, shift your weight to your left arm.
  4. Lower your leg. Repeat several times.
  5. Change sides and repeat, shifting your weight to your right arm.
Inner Thigh Lift
Start with 5 repetitions; increase to 20.

©2006 Publications International, Ltd.
  1. Lie on your left side, propping yourself on your left elbow and forearm. Cross the right leg over the left, placing the right foot on the floor next to your left knee. (Alternatively, rest your bent leg behind the bottom leg.)
  2. With your foot flexed, lift your left leg slowly two to three inches (as far as is comfortable).
  3. Slowly lower your leg to the floor-do not just drop it!
  4. As you repeat the lifts, be sure to keep your body aligned. Do not roll back onto your buttock.
  5. Change sides and repeat.
Outer Thigh Lift
Start with 5 repetitions; increase to 20.

©2006 Publications International, Ltd.
  1. Lie on your left side, your head resting on your hand, your body aligned. For balance, bend your bottom leg.
  2. Slowly lift your top leg straight up and slightly back. Hold for a slow count of 5, then lower slowly.
  3. After you've completed your repetitions, change sides.
Chest Muscle Exercise
Start with 5 to 10 repetitions; increase to 20.

©2006 Publications International, Ltd.
  1. Clasp your hands in front of you at chest level.
  2. Press palms together for a slow count of 5.
  3. Lock your fingers and pull against your fingers for a slow count of 5. Do not hold your breath. (This stage of the exercise strengthens muscles in the upper back.)
Pelvic Rock on All Fours
Start with 5 repetitions; increase to 20.

©2006 Publications International, Ltd.
  1. Rest on your hands and knees, your back straight and your knees comfortably apart.
  2. Slowly arch your lower back, lift your abdomen, and tuck your pelvis under (as if a string attached to your spine is pulling you upward). Hold for a slow count of 4.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position-do not allow your back to sag. Repeat the tuck, holding the tucked position for a full count of 10. Squeeze your pelvic floor at the same time for an added benefit.
Diagonal Knee and Arm Reach
Do 5 to 10 repetitions. Caution: Do not perform this exercise after the first trimester of pregnancy.

©2006 Publications International, Ltd.
  1. Lie flat on your back, your knees bent and feet flat. Place your hands either behind your head or across your chest.
  2. Flatten your lower back to the floor, then raise your head (straight up toward the ceiling, not with your chin down on your chest), shoulders, right arm, and left knee all together slowly. Do not pull on your neck!
  3. Slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat, raising your left arm and right knee.
Start with 5 repetitions, gradually increasing to 20.

©2006 Publications International, Ltd.
  1. Stand with your feet about two feet apart and toes turned comfortably out.
  2. Slowly bend your knees, keeping your back flat. Never lower your buttocks past your knees. Keep your knees over your toes-don't let them roll in.
  3. Rise slowly, concentrating on the leg muscles as you push upward. Keep your heels flat during the entire movement.
To advance the exercise, stay down for 15 to 30 seconds, then rise slowly.
Start with 5 repetitions; increase to 20.

©2006 Publications International, Ltd.
  1. Sit with the soles of your feet together and comfortably away from your body, your arms held in front of you parallel to the floor.
  2. Tuck your chin to your chest and curl back slowly until you are halfway down, keeping the sides of your feet on the floor and your back rounded. (Do not attempt this with a straight back!)
  3. Return to the sitting position. Exhale as you curl back. (If you find this exercise easy to perform, do the exercise with your arms crossed over your chest. ) Do not try to curl back to the floor and up again.
Perform 5 to 20 repetitions. Caution: Do not perform this exercise after the first trimester of pregnancy.

©2006 Publications International, Ltd.
  1. Lie on your back, with your knees bent and your feet close to your buttocks. Press your lower back to the floor. Inhale slowly and deeply.
  2. As you slowly exhale, lift your head and shoulders. Do not lift your lower back off of the floor! Perform this exercise slowly (no jerky movements), and do not throw your head forward! Relax the jaw and neck muscles. The lift comes from the shoulders and should be straight up, your face toward the ceiling.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position; inhale as you do so.
Pelvic Floor Squeeze (Kegel Exercise)
Do 3 or 4 sets at one time, 5 times per day.
  1. Sit or stand comfortably (you can perform this exercise in most positions). To make this exercise more challenging, place your legs farther apart.
  2. Tighten the pelvic floor as if to lift the internal organs or to stop urination in midstream. Hold as tightly as possible for a slow count of 5 (be sure to breathe).
  3. Relax completely.
Note: Because these muscles fatigue easily, repeat in sets of 3 or 4 squeezes throughout the day anytime, anywhere. Concentrate on the sensations of tension and lifting, relaxing, and lowering within the pelvis.
Trunk Roll
Do 5 to 10 repetitions. Caution: Do not perform this exercise after the first month of pregnancy.
  1. Lie on your back, your knees bent and arms on the floor straight out at your side. Lift your feet off the floor, or keep them flat on the floor.
  2. Keeping your shoulders down and your knees together, roll your legs to the left, touching your left leg on the floor.
  3. Roll your legs back to the starting point, then to the right. Make sure your knees are not bent too close to the chest. Keep the movement smooth and don't rush.
Start with 5 repetitions; increase to 20.

©2006 Publications International, Ltd.
  1. Stand facing a wall, with your palms on the wall slightly farther apart than shoulder width. Place your feet about two to three feet from the wall. Hold your arms and body straight.
  2. Lean toward the wall, allowing your arms to bend. Touch one cheek to the wall.
  3. Straighten your arms, pushing your body (still aligned) away from the wall. Do not arch your back. Keep your palms on the wall at all times.
If these exercises look great but you still aren't motivated, maybe you need to attend an exercise class. Go to the next page and find out how to choose a class that's perfect for pregnant women. 

Referency :

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

admin pada tanggal 3 September 2010 - Tinggalkan Komentar
Pemilihan dan persiapan peralatan yang tepat sangat penting untuk pengiriman akurat dari IV solusi. Pemilihan suatu I.V. mengatur administrasi tergantung pada tingkat dan jenis infus yang diinginkan dan jenis IV wadah larutan yang digunakan.
Dua jenis drip set yang tersedia: macrodrip dan microdrip tersebut.
Set macrodrip dapat memberikan solusi dalam jumlah besar dengan harga yang cepat karena memberikan jumlah yang lebih besar dengan setiap tetes dari set microdrip. Set microdrip, digunakan untuk pasien anak dan pasien dewasa tertentu yang memerlukan kecil atau erat diatur jumlah IV solusi, memberikan kuantitas yang lebih kecil dengan masing-masing drop.
Administrasi tubing dengan port injeksi sekunder izin infus terpisah atau simultan dari dua solusi; tubing dengan port kuda-kudaan dan katup backcheck izin infus intermiten dari solusi sekunder dan, pada selesai, kembali ke infus larutan primer.
Vented I.V. tabung dipilih untuk solusi dalam botol nonvented; nonvented tabung dipilih untuk solusi dalam kantong atau botol vented. Majelis I.V. memerlukan peralatan teknik steril untuk mencegah kontaminasi, yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi lokal atau sistemik.

I.V. solusi â € ¢ â € alkohol pad ¢ I.V. mengatur administrasi â € ¢ in-line filter, jika diperlukan â € ¢ IV tiang â € ¢ obat-obatan dan label, jika perlu.
Persiapan peralatan
Pastikan jenis, volume, dan tanggal berakhirnya IV solusi. Buang solusi ketinggalan jaman. Jika solusi yang terkandung dalam botol kaca, memeriksa botol untuk chip dan retak, jika itu dalam kantong plastik, memeras kantong untuk mendeteksi kebocoran. Periksa I.V. solusi untuk partikel, perubahan warna abnormal, dan mendung. Jika ada, membuang solusi dan memberitahukan departemen farmasi atau pengeluaran. Jika memesan, tambahkan obat untuk solusi, dan tempat label obat-ditambahkan diselesaikan pada wadah. Lepaskan administrasi set dari kotak, dan memeriksa retak, lubang, dan hilang klem.

      Cuci tangan Anda secara menyeluruh untuk mencegah memperkenalkan kontaminan selama persiapan.
      Geser klem aliran administrasi set pipa ke ruang tetes atau port injeksi, dan menutup klem.

Menyiapkan tas

      Tempatkan tas pada permukaan yang datar stabil atau menggantungnya pada IV tiang.
      Lepaskan tutup pelindung atau robek tab dari port penyisipan pipa.
      Lepaskan tutup pelindung dari set spike administrasi.
      Holding port tegas dengan satu tangan, masukkan paku dengan tangan lain.
      Menggantung tas di I.V. tiang, jika Anda belum melakukannya, dan peras ruang tetes sampai setengah penuh.

Mempersiapkan botol nonvented

      Lepaskan tutup botol logam dan disk batin, jika ada.
      Letakkan botol pada permukaan yang stabil dan lap stopper karet dengan pad alkohol.
      Lepaskan tutup pelindung dari set spike administrasi, dan mendorong spike melalui pusat penyumbat karet botol. Hindari memutar atau memancing spike untuk mencegah potongan penyumbat dari putus dan jatuh ke dalam larutan.
      Invert botol. Jika vakum nya tetap utuh, anda akan mendengar suara mendesis dan melihat gelembung udara naik (ini tidak mungkin terjadi jika Anda telah menambahkan obat-obatan). Jika vakum tidak utuh, membuang botol dan mulai lagi.
      Hang botol pada I.V. tiang, dan peras ruang tetes sampai itu setengah penuh.

Mempersiapkan botol vented

      Lepaskan tutup botol logam dan diafragma lateks untuk melepaskan vakum. Jika vakum tidak utuh (kecuali setelah

      pengobatan telah ditambahkan), membuang botol dan mulai lagi.
      Letakkan botol pada permukaan yang stabil dan lap stopper karet dengan pad alkohol.
      Lepaskan tutup pelindung dari set spike administrasi, dan mendorong spike melalui port penyisipan sebelah ventilasi udara pembukaan tabung.
      Hang botol pada I.V. tiang, dan peras ruang tetes sampai itu setengah penuh.

Priming yang I.V. tubing

      Jika perlu, melampirkan filter untuk ujung IV tubing, dan ikuti petunjuk pabrikan untuk mengisi dan priming itu. Purge selang sebelum memasang filter untuk menghindari memaksa udara ke dalam filter dan, mungkin, menyumbat beberapa saluran filter. Kebanyakan filter diposisikan dengan ujung distal dari tabung menghadap ke atas sehingga solusi akan benar-benar basah membran filter dan semua gelembung udara akan dihilangkan dari baris. (Lihat Kapan menggunakan line-in filter.)
      Jika Anda tidak menggunakan filter, tujuannya ujung distal dari tabung atas keranjang sampah atau tenggelam dan perlahan-lahan membuka klem aliran. (Kebanyakan penutup tabung distal memungkinkan solusi untuk mengalir tanpa harus melepas penutup pelindung.)
      Biarkan penjepit terbuka sampai I.V. solusi mengalir melalui seluruh panjang pipa untuk melepaskan gelembung udara yang terjebak dan memaksa keluar semua udara.
      Balikkan semua Y-port dan katup backcheck dan tekan mereka, jika perlu, untuk mengisinya dengan solusi.
      Setelah priming pipa, tutup klem. Kemudian loop pipa atas I.V. tiang.
      Label wadah dengan nama pasien dan nomor kamar, tanggal dan waktu, nomor kontainer, memerintahkan tingkat dan durasi infus, dan inisial Anda.

Pertimbangan Khusus

      Sebelum dimulainya I.V. terapi, pasien harus diberitahu apa yang diharapkan. (Lihat Pengajaran pasien Anda tentang terapi IV, halaman 274.)
      Selalu menggunakan teknik steril saat menyiapkan I.V. solusi. Jika Anda mencemari set administrasi atau wadah, menggantinya dengan yang baru untuk mencegah memperkenalkan kontaminan ke dalam sistem.
      Jika perlu, Anda dapat menggunakan pipa vent dengan botol vented. Untuk melakukan ini, jangan menghapus diafragma lateks. Sebaliknya, memasukkan paku ke dalam lekukan yang lebih besar di diafragma.
      Ubah I.V. tubing setiap 48 atau 72 jam sesuai dengan kebijakan fasilitas Anda atau lebih sering jika Anda menduga kontaminasi. Mengubah filter sesuai dengan rekomendasi pabrikan atau lebih cepat jika menjadi tersumbat.

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Menghipnotis diri sendiri

Langkah 1: Cari posisi yang nyaman dan bisa santai. Masuk ke dalam posisi yang anda akan dapat dengan mudah untuk menjaga waktu yang akan hypnotize sendiri. Anda harus duduk untuk mencegah diri sendiri dari jatuh tertidur. Juga pastikan anda tidak akan terganggu setidaknya setengah jam.
Langkah 2: Pilih sebuah tujuan. Why do you want to hypnotize yourself? Mengapa Anda ingin hypnotize sendiri? Whether the goal is to stop smoking, weight loss or anything else, it must be present for the hypnosis to be focused and effective. Apakah tujuan adalah untuk berhenti merokok, berat badan atau apapun, harus hadir untuk hipnose menjadi fokus dan efektif. So make a statement to yourself about the reason you want to hypnotize yourself. Sehingga membuat pernyataan untuk diri sendiri tentang alasan Anda ingin hypnotize sendiri. In this process, you allow your unconscious mind to work on an issue rather than giving suggestions throughout. Dalam proses ini, Anda mengizinkan pikiran bawah sadar Anda untuk bekerja pada masalah daripada memberi saran sepanjang.Langkah 3: Tutup mata dan clear any fear, stress, anxiety or other negative feelings in your mind. jelas ada rasa takut, stres, kegelisahan atau perasaan negatif dalam pikiran Anda. Focus only on pure intentions and feelings. Fokus hanya pada tujuan murni dan perasaan.
Langkah 4: Mengenali ketegangan di dalam tubuh Anda. Beginning from your toes, feel the tension in all the parts of your body. Mulai dari kaki, merasakan ketegangan di seluruh bagian tubuh Anda. Imagine that you remove the tension from all the parts of your body. Bayangkan bahwa Anda menghapus ketegangan dari semua bagian dari tubuh Anda. Visualize your body to get lighter and lighter. Memvisualisasikan tubuh Anda untuk mendapatkan lebih ringan dan lebih ringan. Relax each portion including your toes, shoulders, feet, calves, thighs, hips, stomach, face, head and others. Bersantai setiap bagian termasuk kaki, bahu, kaki, betis, thighs, hips, perut, wajah, kepala dan lain-lain. Now you must be extremely relaxed. Sekarang Anda harus sangat santai.
Langkah 5: Bayangkan saja di bagian atas penerbangan dari 10 tangga yang kelima pada langkah awal untuk menyelam ke dalam air. Tell yourself that you are going to descend the stairs, counting each step down, starting from 10. Kirim sendiri yang akan turun tangga, menghitung setiap langkah ke bawah, mulai dari 10. Imagine each number in your mind and start to descend the stairs. Bayangkan setiap nomor dalam pikiran Anda dan mulai turun tangga. After each number you feel yourself drifting further into the deep relaxation. Setelah masing-masing nomor yang merasa sendiri Drifting lebih mendalam ke dalam relaksasi. As you take each step, feel the step under your feet. Seperti yang Anda lakukan setiap langkah, merasakan langkah di bawah kaki Anda. When you are on the fifth step, feel the coolness of the water on your feet. Bila Anda berada pada langkah kelima, merasakan kesejukan air pada kaki. Tell yourself that you are entering the oasis with the cleanliness. Kirim sendiri bahwa Anda memasuki wahah dengan kebersihan. When you descend the last five steps, feel the water getting higher and higher up your body. Bila Anda turun lima langkah, merasakan air semakin tinggi dan tinggi badan anda.
Langkah 6: Pada bagian bawah air, anda harus mulai untuk mengatasi permasalahan anda dan memutuskan apa yang Anda inginkan dari tempat Anda berada. Now imagine three boxes under the water that you must swim to get to. Sekarang bayangkan tiga kotak di bawah air yang harus Anda untuk berenang. Get and open each of the boxes. Dapatkan dan membuka setiap kotak. While opening each box, tell yourself that “this is my self-esteem that I will never lose”, “I’m strong and positive” or something related with your goal. Sewaktu setiap kotak, kirim sendiri bahwa “ini adalah diri saya bahwa saya tidak akan pernah kehilangan”, “Saya kuat dan positif” atau sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan tujuan Anda. Be sure to use only positive statements instead negative ones. Pastikan untuk menggunakan pernyataan positif, bukan hanya satu yang negatif. Repeat your statements several times for a maximum effect. Ulangi pernyataan beberapa kali untuk efek maksimum.
Langkah 7: Setelah Anda puas dengan apa yang telah dilakukan berenang kembali ke tangga dan merasakan air menjadi lebih rendah dan lebih rendah sampai anda mencapai langkah kelima. Pass the stairs and feel the steps under your feet. Lulus tangga dan merasa langkah-langkah di bawah kaki Anda. On the sixth step, you may feel heavier, so wait on this step for some seconds and continue again. Pada langkah keenam, Anda mungkin merasa berat, jadi tunggu pada langkah ini untuk beberapa detik, dan terus lagi.
Langkah 8: Bila Anda berada di sepuluh langkah menunggu beberapa menit sebelum membuka mata Anda. Then out loud yourself “Wake away”, “wake away” and your mind will return to the conscious state and you will feel relaxed. Kemudian out loud yourself “Wake jauh”, “bangunkan jauh” dan pikiran Anda akan kembali ke negara sadar dan anda akan merasa santai. Thus, you have successfully finished your first self hypnosis practice. Dengan demikian, Anda telah berhasil menyelesaikan pertama Anda sendiri hypnosis praktek.

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Manfaatkan Emosi sebagai Energi

Emosi merupakan energi jika kita mampu menguasai dan mengendalikannya. Membiarkan emosi menguasai dan mengendalikan diri kita hanya akan merusak dan menghancurkan diri kita.
Emosi merupakan potensi kekuatan yang tersembunyi pada diri setiap manusia.  Keberadaan emosi merupakan anugerah yang mendasari tingkah laku kita, serta merupakan bahasa komunikasi yang unik dalam diri kita dan dalam hubungan antarmanusia. Memanfaatkan emosi memang tidak biasa karena kecenderungan persepsi tentang emosi identik dengan destruktif bahkan ofensif. Persepsi seperti ini perlu diluruskan karena  memanfaatkan emosi berarti memahami fungsi emosi dalam kehidupan kita, sehingga kita dapat memanfaatkannya sebagai energi yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas diri dan kehidupan kita. Bagaimana emosi kita manfaatkan sebagai energi kehidupan? Mengapa kita perlu memanfaatkan emosi?
Kata emosi berasal dari bahasa Latin emovere yang berarti bergerak menjauh. Menurut Daniel Goleman (2002 : 411) emosi merujuk pada suatu perasaan dan pikiran yang khas, suatu keadaan biologis dan psikologis, serta serangkaian kecenderungan untuk bertindak. Berdasarkan pengertian ini, emosi pada dasarnya adalah dorongan untuk bertindak. Biasanya emosi merupakan reaksi terhadap rangsangan dari luar dan dalam diri individu. Emosi itulah yang mendorong individu untuk memberikan respon atau bertingkah laku terhadap stimulus yang ada. Dengan kata lain, emosi dapat dikatakan sebagai refleksi perasaan sekaligus barometer kestabilan perasaan. Reaksi yang timbul bisa berupa  kekecewaan, kemarahan, kekesalan atas kenyataan yang diterima. Karena itu, emosi bisa bersifat konstruktif maupun destruktif.
Sejatinya, semua yang bersentuhan dengan kehidupan kita memiliki manfaat dan bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai energi kehidupan itu sendiri, tidak terkecuali dengan emosi yang dalam kenyatannya merupakan bentuk perasaan, bersentuhan dengan hati, tingkah laku dan tindakan kita. Memanfaatkan emosi sebagai energi terletak pada kemampuan kita mengendalikan sifat destruktifnya, serta mengelola sifat konstruktifnya agar bias seimbang dan menghasilkan tindakan-tindakan yang positif. Perlu kita pahami bahwa dalam kehidupan, kita bersentuhan dengan logika dan emosi. Dalam kenyataannya, emosi lebih sering mendasari tingkah laku dan tindakan kita daripada logika. Dengan demikian, kita juga perlu menjaga keseimbangan logika dan emosi agar kendali terhadap emosi semakin efektif.
Mungkin dalam benak kita sering timbul pertanyaan, mengapa kita memiliki emosi? Jawabannya sederhana. Karena emosi memiliki fungsi yang penting dalam kehidupan kita. Kita tidak bisa memanfaatkan emosi dengan baik tanpa memahami fungsi emosi itu sendiri. Emosi berfungsi sebagai penyedap rasa kehidupan yang membuat hidup lebih bergairah, bersemangat, bermakna dan berenergi. Menjadi pelengkap romantika kehidupan, sehingga hidup terasa lebih, indah, bernuansa, bervariasi dan bersinergi. Tanpa emosi, hidupa kan terasa hambar, datar, kaku dan monoton. Karena itu, emosi jangan ditekan dan disembunyikan terlampau dalam, bisa menghambat kedinamisan perasaan dan kehidupan kita.
Memanfaatkan emosi memerlukan cara dan media penyaluran karena tidak semua orang memiliki kemampuan mengendalikan dan mengelola emosi dengan cepat dan tepat. Awalnya, kita pasti butuh tempat melampiaskan emosi untuk paling tidak meredakan dan melegakan. Ada beberapa hal sederhana yang bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai cara menyaluran emosi yang positif.
Pertama, menangis. Secara psikologis, menangis mampu membuat perasaan menjadi lebih baik, nyaman, dan tenang karena tangisan dapat membantu menyingkirkan kimiawi stres dalam tubuh yang diakibatkan oleh dramatisasi perasaan dan dorongan emosi, sehingga bisa menurunkan kadar emosi, agresivitas dan depresi. Setelah menangis, perasaan menjadi lebih lega, sehingga energi berupa mood untuk melanjutkan aktivitas kembali terangkat. Energi inilah yang sebenarnya mampu mengendalikan agresivitas dari emosi destruktif kita dan dengan energi inilah kita lebih mampu mengelola emosi konstruktif agar lebih stabil dan diarahkan untuk melakukan aktivitas yang lebih positif.
Kedua,  menyalurkan emosi melalui kegiatan hobi seperti menulis atau melukis. Menulis merupakan media penyaluran emosi yang efektif  karena menulis dapat mengurangi tekanan perasaan, distress bahkan menyembuhkan trauma. Sewaktu menulis, kita melepaskan emosi destruktif menjadi serangkaian tulisan yang apa adanya. Energi dari emosi ini kita ekspresikan dan kita manfaatkan untuk menyusun kalimat dan mengolah kata-kata hingga menjadi sebuah ungkapan perasaan yang sebenarnya. Menulis diary merupakan hal umum yang dilakukan untuk mengekspresikan perasaan, sehingga tidak merasa tertekan dengan dorongan emosinya dan tidak takut untuk menutup-nutupi emosinya dalam wajah sebuah tulisan. Namun, lebih dari itu, emosi ternyata bisa menjadi energi sebuah tulisan. Coba kita perhatika beberapa tulisan fiksi. Emosi penulis seringkali berperan besar dan membuat tulisan tersebut justru semakin hidup karena tanpa emosi pelaku cerita, novel atau cerpen akan terasa “garing”. Katakanlah fiksi bisa menjual emosi penulis dan mengangkat emosi pembaca, terlepas dari sisi imajinatif atau realnya kisah yang diungkapkan. Ini merupakan bentuk pengendalian dan pengelolaan emosi hingga menjadi energi untuk menghasilkan sebuah karya yang bernilai dan bermanfaat. Demikian pula dengan lukisan, emosi pelukis dapat diekspresikan lewat goresan warna, sehingga tercipta keindahan dan makna yang dalam dari lukisan itu (tentu saja bagi yang mengerti  lukisan). Jadi, sesungguhnya emosi dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai energi untuk berkarya yang dapat menuntun kepada kesuksesan kita.
Ketiga, berbicara dan bercinta dengan Yang Maha Cinta. Keberadaan-Nya merupakan energi ruhani yang luar biasa. Menyalurkan emosi melalui hubungan dengan-Nya menjadi energi kehidupan yang sesungguhnya. Dalam hal ini, emosi berperan besar dalam membangun energi spiritual kita. Tanpa emosi, percintaan kita dengan Tuhan akan terasa hambar dan datar. Hubungan emosional dengan Tuhan didasari oleh kebutuhan akan Dzat Yang Maha, menumbuhkan energi untuk meminta, berupaya dan berserah dalam doa. Saat kita kesulitan, biasanya kita akan tenggelam, khusyuk dalam lautan tangis dan doa, sehingga kita merasa dekat dengan Tuhan. Jika kedekatan ini terus diaplikasikan dalam keadaan apapun, ini akan menumbuhkan kepercayaan, keyakinan, keimanan dan ketakwaan yang lebih terjaga, menjadi energi penuntun langkah hidup kita. Tuhan lah muara dari segala doa dan harapan kita, pelabuhan abadi cinta yang hakiki yang akan menuntun hidup lebih berenergi.

Jadi, manfaatkanlah emosi dengan mengelola dan mengendalikannya melalui cara penyaluran yang benar. Emosi yang terkendali merupakan energi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup kita yang lebih berarti. 
sumber referensi : www.beritanet.com, one.indoskripsi.com, ceritapuji.blog.frienster.com,

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Diagnosis of schizophrenia comes after the symptoms have lasted for six months. There is a marked deterioration from the person’s previous level of functioning at work, in social relations and in self-care.  The symptoms cannot be explained by physical illness, prescription medications, street drugs or brain injury.  There must be a gross distortion of reality (psychosis) and the disturbance must affect more than one of the following processes: thought, perception, emotion, communication or psychomotor behavior.
Note the five symptom criteria on page 357: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior and negative symptoms.
Delusions:  false and bizarre beliefs that resist all attempts to correct by evidence; the most striking symptoms of schizophrenia.  Delusions in schizophrenia are most often incongruent with the presented emotional responses of the person.  Most common types of delusions:
·        Delusions of prosecution
·        Somatic delusions
·        Bizarre delusions
·        Delusions of control
·        Delusions of reference
·        Delusions of grandiosity

Can you provide examples of each of the above?
Hallucinations:  perceptual signs of psychosis involving false sensory perceptions without external stimuli that would provoke such perceptions.  Most common: auditory hallucinations.  May also be visual, tactile, olfactory; PET scans note that actual visual or auditory cortex activity accompanies hallucinations.
Disorganized speech:  There are terms used to describe the disorganized speech of people with schizophrenia.
·        derailment (shifting from one topic to another without connection);
·        tangential responses that bear no relationship to the question asked;
·        incoherence (making no sense to the listener);
·        loose association refers to more subtle irregularities in a patient’s statement;
·        clang association refers to the lists of rhyming words the patient may inject into a sentence;
·        neologisms are words that are created that may have a private meaning to the patient.  Impoverished speech suggests that there is little meaningful content in the speech of the individual.
Disorganized/Catatonic Behavior:  behaviors range from bizarre silliness and hyperarousal to extreme irritability and agitation: laughing, pacing, wringing hands in distress, wearing inappropriate clothing, poor hygiene; catatonic behavior is the most bizarre: the appearance of being frozen in place, rigid body posture, waxy flexibility, non-communicative; catatonia has diminished with more effective medications.
Negative Symptoms: reduction in normal behaviors; usually appear before the positive symptoms noted above. These symptoms include
·        blunted or flattened affect (emotion)
·        alogia (decrease in speech production)
·        avolition (loss of energy, interest, will)
·        anosognosia (unawareness of symptoms)
Five Subtypes of Schizophrenia: paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated and residual
Paranoid Schizophrenia:  longest-standing of the types: delusions of persecution and grandeur, and hallucinations present, in often remarkably systematized and complex.  May include delusional jealousy; seldom are these people disorganized in their behavior, incoherent or loose in speech, nor do they display blunted or inappropriate affect.
Disorganized Schizophrenia:  silliness and incoherence; inappropriate affect; bizarre and often scary behaviors; somatic delusions are more often present, rather than complex delusions or hallucinations; poor hygiene and grooming.
Catatonic Schizophrenia:  excited motor behavior or catatonic state, or an alternation between the two states; onset is sudden and the person is hard to control, very agitated and may be dangerous to self or others; difficult to settle down without strong sedative medication.  In a catatonic state, the person is often hallucinating and may explain that lack of movement will save them from some impending danger.  In a catatonic state the patient will often resist all instructions or attempts to be moved; negativism defines the category.
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia:  a diagnosis given when the patient doesn’t meet the criteria for the three above, but still shows psychotic symptoms and poor interpersonal adjustment
Residual Schizophrenia:  no delusions or hallucinations, incoherence or disorganized behaviors.  Minor symptoms: social isolation, withdrawal, impairment in role functioning, peculiar behaviors, impairment in personal hygiene and grooming, blunt affect, odd thinking, apathy, and unusual perceptual experiences; these behaviors may appear after an active episode and will decrease as time passes. 
Other subtypes:  acute schizophrenia is characterized by quick onset of symptoms and usually a specific precipitating crisis; good premorbid condition; and chronic schizophrenia involved a gradual and prolonged period of decline, and no specific stressor is identified.  In chronic schizophrenia, social withdrawal, poor school adjustment and interpersonal problems are noted in childhood history; therefore, poor premorbid condition.
Type I schizophrenia:  predominance of positive symptoms; more responsive to medication because it comes from a disturbance of brain chemistry (dopamine transmission); more often associated with acute schizophrenia
Type II schizophrenia:  predominance of negative symptoms; associated with chronic schizophrenia and poorer long-term prognosis; related to structural changes in the brain and intellectual impairment

General Characteristics:   Incidence of childhood schizophrenia is less than 1/10,000 births
1.       Slight male predominance
2.       Less educated and professionally successful families
3.       Patients have low-average to average range of intelligence
4.       Patterns of behavior before a formal diagnosis:  attention/conduct problems, earlier patterns of inhibition, withdrawal and sensitivity
5.       Disease is rarely observed before age 5
6.       80% of children have auditory hallucinations; 50% have delusional beliefs
7.       Can be observed with additional conditions such as:  conduct disorder, learning disabilities, mental retardation, and autism
8.       Poor prognosis if onset before age 10 with above personality difficulties
The behavior of children and adolescents with schizophrenia may differ from that of adults with this illness. Child and adolescent psychiatrists look for several of the following early warning signs in youngsters with schizophrenia:
  • seeing things and hearing voices which are not real (hallucinations),
  • odd and eccentric behavior, and/or speech,
  • unusual or bizarre thoughts and ideas,
  • confusing television and dreams from reality,
  • confused thinking,
  • extreme moodiness,
  • ideas that people are "out to get them," or talking about them,
  • behaving like a younger child,
  • severe anxiety and fearfulness,
  • confusing television and dreams with reality,
  • difficulty relating to peers, and keeping friends.
  • withdrawn and increased isolation,
  • decline in personal hygiene
Since 1990 there has been an ongoing study of childhood onset schizophrenia (COS) of 49 patients at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) which most of the following findings are based on.
-          55% had language abnormalities
-          57% had motor abnormalities
-          55% had social abnormalities
-          63.3% either failed a grade or required placement in special education
-          overall poor neuropsychological functioning in attention, working memory and executive function (i.e. making and carrying out appropriate decisions on a day to day basis)
-          findings were more striking than those in adult patients which indicates a more severe early disruption of brain development in COS – also indicates greater familial vulnerability (possibly a greater likihood of a genetic component to the disease)
Family Characteristics:
-          high rate of spectrum personality disorders (schizoaffective, schizotypal, paranoid) 45% had at least one relative with a disorder
-          increased schizophrenia in relatives (1.8%) vs. control group (0.5%)
-          77.3% of patients with family members with spectrum disorders had prediagnosis language abnormalities which was more striking than adult patients
Obstetric/Environmental Characteristics:
-          NIMH study doesn’t show an increase in obstetrical complications in COS vs. adults patients (though there have been studies that have found a link between obstetrical complications and schizophrenia in general)
-          No association of socioeconomic status, psychological trauma with an earlier age of onset
-          Study at UCLA of Finnish patients showed an increase in early onset schizophrenia with perinatal hypoxia (each event increased the risk 2 fold)
-          No correlation has been shown b/w onset of puberty and onset of psychosis

Treatment of Schizophrenia
Early treatments for schizophrenia that were proven ineffective: insulin coma therapy, prefrontal lobotomy and ECT
Presently, the medications for the disorder are more effective and have fewer side effects and the therapy or rehabilitation programs are more structured and target more specific impairments.  Patients do not self-refer, but are often sent to treatment by families, or occasionally by court order.
DRUG TREATMENT:  Introduction to antipsychotic drugs in the early 50s has had a tremendous influence in the lives of those with schizophrenia.  Inpatient care has diminished dramatically, and the focus presently is on community-based programs, like Dove Point, Go-Getters and Lower Shore Sheltered Workshop in our own community.
Thorazine, Stelazine, Mellaril, Prolixin( called Phenothiazines) and Haldol were among the earliest antipsychotic drugs (received at D-2 receptors), and they both worked to relieve the positive symptoms of schizophrenia—hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech and behaviors—but did not affect the negative symptoms—alogia, anhedonia, avolition; negative side effects of these drugs (extrapyramidal effects) made them unpleasant and unpopular: dry mouth, drowsiness, visual disturbances, weight gain, drooling, sexual dysfunction, depression, menstrual problems in women and constipation and depression are the less serious side effects; the most serious are the Parkinson-like effects: stiffness of muscles, stiffness in moving, reduced flexibility of facial muscles, tremors and spasms of limbs and akathesia (an itchiness and restlessness that keeps people pacing).  The most serious side effect: tardive dyskinesia: a movement disorder consisting of sucking, lip-smacking, tongue movements and cheek puffing.  TD affects about 20% of patients using these drugs more than a year; it is seldom reversible, even if the medication is terminated. Lowering the dosage to “maintenance dose” alleviates some of these side effects.
The new, “atypical”, antipsychotics (received at D-1 and D-4 receptors): Clozaril, Risperdal, Zyprexa, Zeldox, Seroquel: fewer side effects (but still dizziness, nausea, sedation, seizures, hypersalivation, weight gain and tachycardia) and affecting both positive and negative symptoms of the disorder. The differences in effect are related to the chemical reactions of the drugs in the brain.  The atypical antipsychotics block fewer dopamine receptors and also block as many or more serotonin receptors.  A side effect noted is agranulocytosis, a precipitous drop in white blood cells.  These medications are very expensive.
Potential for relapse after an initial episode of schizophrenia is related to the following variables:  environmental stress, poor premorbid functioning, being male, and adherence to medication regimen (if drugs are discontinued 75% of people will relapse with one year, compared to 33% of those who continue with their medication).
Revolving Door Phenomenon:  hospitalization is increasing after a period of radical decline in the 50s.  This increase is evidence that drugs do not cure schizophrenia and that community-based programs are often inadequate to meet the needs of this population.  Other factors include unemployment and lack of social skills and noncompliance with taking medication.
Psychological Treatment:  Review the history of institutional case with discussions of state mental institutions, milieu therapy and behavioral therapy (the token economy).  The current goal is adaptive functioning for the individual, and the means to that end seem to focus on cognitive skill building (attention, abstraction, concept formation, memory, reasoning skills) and social skill building (role-playing of social interactions, social problem-solving).  Family therapy educates family members about the disorder and how best to interact with the patient, to increase tolerance, to recognize and manage warning signs that an episode is imminent.  Stress management and conflict-resolution skills are also taught to both the patient and the family members.  An example of the objectives for teaching basic conversational skills might include:
*  learning effective verbal and nonverbal listening techniques
*  learning where to meet people and how to determine whether another is willing to engage in conversation
*  learning how to sustain conversations
*  learning how to end conversations gracefully
*  integrating all skill areas into natural and spontaneous conversations
Community-based Programs:  an ideal program for people with schizophrenia includes careful monitoring of medication regimens and cognitive and social skill-building within the framework of a community.  In a residential community, a group home that provides effective treatment and opportunities to work productively in a sheltered work environment, seems to increase the independent living and normalizing activities of the person with schizophrenia.  An effective program would include:
*  helping members gain material resources for food, shelter, clothing, medical care
*  helping them gain coping skills to meet the demands of community life, such as using public transportation, preparing simple meals, budgeting money, running a household
*  motivating them to persevere and remain involved in life even when their lives become stressful
*  lessening their dependence on family members
*  educating family members and community members about the kind of support they need
*  discouraging inappropriate behaviors and encouraging healthy behaviors
These community-based programs have proven to be very effective in reducing rehospitalization and increasing employment, decreasing emotional distress and psychotic symptoms, and increasing overall quality of life for these people.  Despite such success, there are only about 800 such programs now operating (often underfunded and understaffed), about one-third of the number needed.